London eagle gay bar

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Eagle, Fetish Week also special parties for movie premiers, London Pride and London Bearfest. The venue hosts a variety of major events including Mr. We have a rotating Saturday line up from the uber-sexy R18 Unrestricted to Eagle Bears London’s biggest all-bear party and special theme parties with PlayThing from Familly Fierce and Red Light from our venue partner Eagle Amsterdam. Home to The Meth Lab and weekly favorites Hot n' Hairy Vs Bear Hole (Monday), #GetLaid (Thursday) Men Inc.(Fridays) and the international fabulousness that is Horse Meat Disco (Sundays), Tuesdays & Wednesday it's Cruise Control. Eagle London stands proudly as the most eclectic and inclusive venue gay London has to offer, whether it’s meeting porn stars, dancing with house divas or simply drinking with your mates, the choice is yours. Full Bar, Outdoor Seating, Smoking Area, Lounge / Bar, Gay / Lesbian, Big Screen TV. From men-only cruise sessions to rocking party nights, our calendar is always bursting with fun. London: Flying high since 2004, Eagle London is a gay bar and club located in the heart of Vauxhall Village, just south of the river Thames, boasting some of London’s best club brands.

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